The grant application process is closed. Grants are made by decision and discretion of the Board of Directors. The Board meets at least twice a year, with letters of decision and grants being mailed shortly thereafter. The majority of grants are made at our spring meeting in the second quarter of the calendar year. The second meeting is in the fourth quarter of the year. In some unusual cases, we may be able to make a decision on a grant request between meetings if we are made aware of a particular urgency.
In the grant making process, we consider: a past history of giving with that organization; a personal relationship of a Board member with that organization or a person associated with that organization; and the relevancy of the mission of the organization. While past history is a good indicator of whether the Board will make future grants, no organization should assume that a future grant is guaranteed. Organizations that the foundation has previously supported are not asked to make a grant request annually, however, it is advisable to periodically provide organizational updates in the form of letters or newsletters, or to schedule a meeting with Diane Dimmer, Executive Director.
The Board considers a few new requests each year. We generally only consider organizations serving Tacoma-Pierce County. Interested organizations are encouraged to make an inquiry to the foundation by email. If the organization meets our geographic criteria and there is an interest, the organization will be invited to meet with the Executive Director or to submit an application without a meeting. Grant requests submitted without an invitation from the Executive Director or member of the Board are generally not considered.
When we invite a grant request, the application should include the following:
• a brief 1-2 page cover letter identifying your organization, mailing address, and stating the specific request along with relevant information, including a dollar value and the name of the person who invited you to apply if applicable;
• a listing of the Board of Directors;
• the IRS tax-exempt letter (if not prior grant recipient); and
• a budget for the organization, along with a budget for the requested project or improvement, where applicable.
All grants applications should be mailed to the foundation address. An additional copy of the grant request may be sent by email.
We try to respond to invited grant applicants, but request your patience as we have limited office support. Unsolicited submissions will not receive a response.